
Epilepsy and behavior case reportという英文誌に、我々のチームの田上雄大先生による「Surgically treated intracranial supratentorial calcifying pseudoneoplasms of the neuraxis (CAPNON) with drug-resistant left temporal lobe epilepsy: A case report and review of the literature」という題名の論文が受理されました。頭蓋内の石灰化様の病変による難治性てんかんに対する手術治療の有効性を述べた論文です。自分の事以上に、嬉しいです。

Yuta Tanoue, Takehiro Uda, Kosuke Nakajo, Shugo Nishijima, Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Kenji Ohata

Surgically treated intracranial supratentorial calcifying pseudoneoplasms of the neuraxis (CAPNON) with drug-resistant left temporal lobe epilepsy: A case report and review of the literature

Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan